
Katie Melua本名Ketevan Melua,出生於1984年的喬治亞共和國(前蘇聯),8歲的時候舉家搬到北愛爾蘭、14歲的時候再遷到英國定居。身為移民家族,幼年時的Katie Melua生活堪稱貧窮顛沛(Katie Melua直到2005年才取得英國公民資格),也因為她的成長背景,她小時候的志願是成為一名政治家及歷史學家。直到15歲時,Katie Melua參加了英國ITV電視網舉辦的歌唱新秀選拔賽(Stars Up Their Nose),演唱Mariah Carey的Without you,結果一路過關斬將奪得冠軍,這才讓Katie Melua開始正視自己的演唱才華。

中學畢業後,Katie Melua進入英國藝術表演學校就讀,也開始了她的音樂創作之路。此時Katie Melua開始接觸到更豐富寬廣的音樂型態,如:Bob Dylan、Joni Mitchell、Suzanne Vega、Paul Simon的民謠、Queen的史詩搖滾,以及愛爾蘭民謠、印度民族音樂等,而她最為鍾愛的歌手則是90年代早夭的爵士藍調女伶Eva Cassidy的作品。而就在這個時候,音樂製作人暨作曲家-Mike Batt到英國藝術表演學校想要尋找一位適合擔任爵士樂團主唱的潛力新人,當他聽到Katie Melua演唱自我創作曲Faraway Voice時,驚為天人,當下便決定和年僅19歲的Katie Melua簽下一紙唱片合約。

Katie Melua是英國2004~2006年最暢銷的女藝人,目前發行兩張專輯,2005年發行的第二張專輯Piece by Piece,首支單曲Nine Million Bicycles最近在電視上強力播放,是一首充滿比喻的小情歌。

我個人最喜歡的一首- I cried for You

You're beautiful so silently
It lies beneath a shade of blue
It struck me so violently
When I looked at you

But others pass, the never pause,
To feel that magic in your hand
To me you're like a wild rose, they never understand why

I cried for you
When the sky cried for you
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter
But this life was not for you
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper

I'll cross the sea for a different world,
With your treasure, a secret for me to hold

In many years they may forget
This love of ours or that we met,
They may not know
how much you meant to me.

I cried for you
And the sky cried for you,
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter.
But this life was not for you,
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper

Without you now I see,
How fragile the world can be
And I know you've gone away
But in my heart you'll always stay.

I cried for you
And the sky cried for you,
And when you went
I became a hopeless drifter.
But this life was not for you,
Though I learned from you,
That beauty need only be a whisper
That beauty need only be a whisper

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