If I listened to everyone who said it was impossible,I'd never be flying. Don't let anyone turn you around. ~ Amelia Earhart「每個人都有汪洋等待飛越,只要你有心去飛,那是冒險嗎?或許,但是夢想為何要有邊界呢?我想著自己握過的手,看過的地方,踩過的大地,世界改變了我。」
(Everyone has oceans to fly. As long as you have the heart to do it.Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries? I think about the hands I have held, the places I've seen, the vast lands whose dirt is caked on the bottom of my shoes.The world has changed me.)
Alelia在1928年,從紐芬蘭飛到了威爾斯,成為第一位飛越大西洋的女乘客;然後在1932年,她從美國飛到了愛爾蘭(目標巴黎)成為第一位飛越大平洋的女性駕駛員,但在1937年 七月二日 ,因為通訊問題,她和飛機消失在太平洋上空,美國動員史上最大的搜救資源還是無功而返,宣布失蹤。