Rascal Flatts應該是近年來最紅的鄉村團體,有人說他們是鄉村版的男孩偶像團體,男女老少通吃那種,不過我看近幾年他們胖了很多,不宜再走偶像路線。他們有好幾首歌同時佔據了鄉村跟流行音樂排行榜的位置...
蔣爸介紹Rascal Flatts http://www1.iwant-pop.com/a-d0004/?sn=a-d0004_20090130_01
我特別喜歡他們其中的三首歌:《Skin》、《Here Comes Goodbye》、《What Hurts the Most》他們用Skin這首歌從頭講一個少女的故事,跌倒發現血癌,雖然來得及治療卻有副作用。有天早上醒來真的發現掉頭髮,知道自己在舞會上跟情人跳舞的夢碎了,有誰會帶一個生病的女生去舞會跳舞呢?故事的結局當然很老梗,自己去看MV。這是我覺得用一首歌講一個故事最有畫面的經典,不用看MV就可以勾勒出如電影般的劇情。
Sara Beth is scared to death
To hear what the doctor will say
She hasn't been well, since the day that she fell
And the bruise it just won't go away
So she sits and she waits with her mother and dad
And flips through an old magazine
Till the nurse with the smile stands at the door
And says will you please come with me
Sara Beth is scared to death
Cause the doctor just told her the news
Between the red cells and white, something's not right
But we're gonna take care of you
Six chances in ten, it won't come back again
With the therapy we're gonna try
It's just been approved, it's the strongest there is
And I think that we caught it in time
And Sara Beth closes her eyes.
She dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair
Sara Beth is scared to death
As she sits holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake for someone to take
A girl with no hair to the prom
For just this morning, right there on her pillow
Was the cruelest of any surprise
And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny
And Sara Beth closes her eyes
And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair
It's quarter to seven, that boy's at the door
And her daddy ushers him in
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry
Cause this morning where his hair had all been
Softly she touches just skin
And they go dancing, around and around
Without any cares
And her very first true love is holding her close
And for a moment she isn't scared
Here Comes Goodbye講的是失去的故事,MV拍得也很正面
最後一首是What Hurts the Most,歌很好聽但MV就拍得比較煽情,尤其最後一句I saw you,讓我想Avatar。
- Feb 12 Fri 2010 03:05
Rascal Flatts