目前分類:Music (91)

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讓一切隨風 曲︰大野克夫 詞︰黃霑

風中風中 心裡冷風 吹 失了夢
事未過去 就已失蹤 此刻有種種心痛

心中心中 一切似空 天黑天光都似夢
迷迷惘惘 聚滿心中 追蹤一片冷的風

各種空虛 冷冷冷 
過去的心 火般灼熱

記憶中 突然又痛
你似北風 吹走我夢

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這首來自於Wicked的歌曲被Glee改編成男女合唱,我個人非常喜歡。而這創意來自於在Glee飾演同性戀的Chris Colfer,他從小就很喜歡這首歌,每天都哼唱著,但高中的表演總是給女生唱,他不服氣,他覺得他的聲音可以唱上去,所以自告奮勇,想挑戰自己。




Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I am defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you wont bring me down!

I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you won't bring me down!
bring me down!
ohh ohhh ohhhh!

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I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none

There were sounds in my head
LIttle voices whispering
That I should go and this should end
Oh and I found myself listening

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

See I thought love was black and white
That it was wrong or it was right
But you ain't leaving without a fight
And I think I am just as torn inside

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood

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曾有個戀人跟我說: 「你的世界太單純了,所以你才會覺得我對你那麼重要。」




很多年之後我才知道, 單純不是錯誤,是這個世界太複雜。



詞:黃婷 曲:陳韋伶

你那傻氣 我真是想念

時間走了 誰還在等呢

世界太複雜 你說單純很難 我當然都明白



跟你走吧 管它去哪呀


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Not many artists are better and more powerful live than on albums, thanks to things like autotune and electronically manufactured instruments. Carrie Underwood is a big exception.

Fans became privy to this fact at the Mullins Center on Saturday night during Underwood’s second appearance at the University of Massachusetts. The 2005 winner of “American Idol” sang songs from each of her three albums, and even brought the crowd back to the “Summer of ‘69.”

Underwood was preceded by two openers, Sons of Sylvia and Craig Morgan. Both acts are obviously great performers, but Sons of Sylvia really shone when they took the stage during Underwood’s set to sing a duet in “What Can I Say?” with lead singer Ashley Clark’s raspy voice meshing well with Underwood’s falsetto.

Craig Morgan elicited a surprising crowd reaction. Many in the plaid-shirted, cowboy hat-adorned audience seemingly knew the words to many of his tunes, including current single, “This Ain’t Nothin’,” a touching song about overcoming loss.

Morgan is fairly well-known in the country genre due to his well-performed “That’s What I Love About Sunday,” a favorite of Saturday’s crowd which hit the top of country charts in 2005. Unfortunately, he’s not recognized much out of the country spectrum, but if the crowd’s reaction to him Saturday was any indication, he’s sure to be popular elsewhere someday.

Despite all of the positive feedback the two opening acts received, ear-piercing screams hit an all-time high the very moment the lights went down after an intermission, signaling Underwood’s entrance.

To the former number one U.S. Billboard Hot Country Song, “Cowboy Casanova,” Underwood rose from beneath the floor on a plush couch. She was decked out in a glittering tuxedo, the first of her six outfits.

Other outfits included a red suit, a blue ball gown, a remarkably short mini (about which Underwood herself said “No more can come off this!”) and a fiber-optically enhanced dress, which the audience saw during “Change.” A visually amazing feature, the dress echoed the happenings taking place on the massive screen behind Underwood – a fireworks show. The dress seemed awfully hard to move in, but no one appeared to notice.

arious portions of the show called Underwood’s private life to attention. The most obvious aspect was during the stirring “Mama’s Song.” Underwood took to a large, rotating piano at center stage. The featured background was a slideshow of various family pictures of Underwood and her mother, from infancy through present day. In tune with Underwood’s recent winter engagement to fiancé Mike Fisher, the ballad was about a mother’s youngest finding someone who treats her right. The crowd erupted when a photo of Underwood and Fisher appeared, ending the song.

Another aspect of her relationship was put on display during the second song, “Quitter.” While it was performed well, the whirring slot-machine background was enough to make anyone dizzy. During the song, which is ironically about being a quitter in relationships, the monitors featured a sweeping shot of the singer, lingering for a moment on the massive rock on her left hand.

The concert was punctuated with simultaneous audience hand clapping and singing along. During one song in particular, “Temporary Home,” which Underwood introduced as “one of my favorite songs ever,” the singer seemed overcome with emotion at the end, and the crowd’s voices seemed louder than her own.

The only small lull came in the middle of the show, when Underwood performed a series of ballads. They were visually appealing, with Underwood donning a beautiful blue ball gown and swinging from a rope swing in the middle of stage.

Any essence of a respite was brought to a screeching halt when Underwood took to the bed of a small, bedazzled truck that flew from a suspended track out into the middle of the audience during a cover of “Country Roads Take Me Home,” a song heard at the Mullins Center many times before, though usually at hockey games, never in this fashion.

It’s was obvious that Underwood loves to perform, even before she admitted she loves every song on every album she’s made. From powerful ballads like “Just a Dream” and her virtual duet with Randy Travis, “I Told You So,” to “Before He Cheats” and “Undo It,” which can’t be described as anything less than badass, all eyes were locked on the diminutive singer all night.

A clearly exceptional artist, Carrie Underwood provided an amazing evening at the Mullins Center on Saturday night. Even Simon Cowell would have been proud.

Kate MacDonald can be reached at kaitlynm@student.umass.edu.

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話說當初Carrie官網先預告有2010 Play On Tour,我就留言說來MA要來Worcester,一星期後公布日期地點果然就來Worcester,怎麼可以不去呢?


我無法與負責暖場的Sons of Sylvia產生共鳴,偏偏他們唱了半個多鐘頭,好不容易以為結束了,結果卻是Craig Morgan上來繼續暖場。Craig大叔把這個場弄得跟自己的演唱會一樣,還跑進人群跟觀眾握手,拿相機玩起自拍,讓我訝異的是身邊的小女生都可以跟著他一起唱歌呢!

七點半開始的演唱會,Carrie一直到九點十分才以"Cowboy Casanova"出場!


一開始她坐在紅色的躺椅上,唱這首新專輯主打歌炒熱氣氛,穿著皮褲一整個有cowgirl的狠勁,她已經不是AI第四季參加audition的村姑了!還沒有喝水就接著馬上唱"Quitter",還有讓全場安靜下來的" I Know You Won't"。聽完這首歌我實在搞不懂泰勒妹怎麼可以一直拿到最佳vocal的獎,她的創作很棒,但現場演唱根本無法像Carrie一樣,在高音域轉來轉去又能很有感情的唱歌!這首歌沒有歌迷一起合唱,因為沒有人唱得上去吧!


為了不輸給泰勒妹,Carrie脫掉白色的夾克,拿起了吉他唱起"Some Hearts"!我是第一次看到Carrie拿吉他!

今晚Carrie在最短的時間內換了很多服裝,第一次換裝就穿得像Dinney Pricecess一樣,演唱令人感傷的"Just a Dream",一首在講新郎在結婚前戰死在伊拉克無法回來參加自己的婚禮,新娘希望這是一場夢的悲傷故事,Carrie一層一層的唱上去真的很痛徹心扉。

在大家情緒還沒有回復的時候馬上接著新專輯我最喜歡的一首歌"Temporary Home",當天Carrie並沒有提到負責載這一次巡迴演唱會的貨車司機出車禍身亡的事情,我是過幾天才看到報導才知道車禍發生在前一晚,第三段唱到"I can see God's Face"時,她停頓了一下,那一瞬間是靜止的,她在跟上帝對話。

全場舞台設計的爆點是Carrie搭上藍色的pickup在空中演唱John Denver的經典歌曲"Take Me Home, Country Roads."


"And who was behind the wheel? My guess is Jesus, the driver in another Underwood tune."

所以她下車之後接著演唱她的The very first song in the first  album"Jesus, Take the Wheel"

我實在不能理解為什麼Sons of Sylvia唱歌不能每次都像跟"What can I say"這樣好好唱,開場的吼叫超過我耳朵負荷,好在他們在Carrie到後台換衣服的時候繼續唱完這首歌時有把這首歌無奈的情感延續下去。

Carrie演唱我第一次認識她聲音的" I Told You So"時,舞台布置成Grand Ole Opry,我猜測是因為在那一次演唱後Randy Travis親自從後台走出來,稱讚Carrie唱得比自己還好,能得到原唱的肯定和接下來的合作機會,對Carrie來說是很大的鼓舞。拜科技之賜,Travis還是透過畫面跟這小女孩合唱了這首經典。

Carrie Underwood 在Grand Ole Opry演唱得I told you so

能看到Carrie彈吉他已經很難得了,竟然還有機會看到Carrie彈鋼琴演唱"Mama's Song"

最後的安可曲跟我猜的不太一樣,我以為她會唱Inside your heaven,結果是"Last Name""Before He Cheats",唱這兩首歌時應該是木下全場最辣的時刻了!


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的舞台魅力啊...回來我完全忘記開場的Naturally 7...原本還擔心他被搶走風采。

原訂八點開始的演唱會,八點十分燈光一暗登場的是負責暖場的Naturally 7,這是一個Vocal 




點連結看他們的表演:Naturally 7 Wall of Sound

照理來說暖場完應該要馬上開始,或許是因為這是Boston area唯一的一場,想等從遠方來的

歌迷都進場之後才開始,流程又冷了二十分鐘,九點多才響起Cry me a River的前奏,Michael 

















我很喜歡整場結束之前的安可曲,A Song for You,量身訂做的完結篇。當大家都把目光集中



I love you in a place where there is no space or time, I love you for my life
You are a friend of mine, and when my life is over
Remember, remember, remember when we were together
And we are alone now, and I was singing this song to you
We were alone, and I was singing, yeah singing
We were alone, and I was singing this song for you
Singing my song, I'm singing my song for you






2006年現場演唱得A Song for You

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Kara DioGuardi是American Idol上一季加入的評審,本身是詞曲創作者,很多歌手的製作人包括Celine Dion

和最新合作的Colbie Caillat。

第九季二十四強之一的Didi Benami在好萊塢週演唱Kara所寫的Terrified,唱的很不錯,連評審Simon都說這首歌


"Terrified" performed by Didi Benami

事實上這首歌是Kara幫American Idol第五季冠軍Katharine Mcphee寫得,收錄在她最新專輯Unborken。


Kara DioGuardi singing terrified


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Rascal Flatts應該是近年來最紅的鄉村團體,有人說他們是鄉村版的男孩偶像團體,男女老少通吃那種,不過我看近幾年他們胖了很多,不宜再走偶像路線。他們有好幾首歌同時佔據了鄉村跟流行音樂排行榜的位置...

蔣爸介紹Rascal Flatts http://www1.iwant-pop.com/a-d0004/?sn=a-d0004_20090130_01

我特別喜歡他們其中的三首歌:《Skin》、《Here Comes Goodbye》、《What Hurts the Most》他們用Skin這首歌從頭講一個少女的故事,跌倒發現血癌,雖然來得及治療卻有副作用。有天早上醒來真的發現掉頭髮,知道自己在舞會上跟情人跳舞的夢碎了,有誰會帶一個生病的女生去舞會跳舞呢?故事的結局當然很老梗,自己去看MV。這是我覺得用一首歌講一個故事最有畫面的經典,不用看MV就可以勾勒出如電影般的劇情。

Sara Beth is scared to death
To hear what the doctor will say
She hasn't been well, since the day that she fell
And the bruise it just won't go away

So she sits and she waits with her mother and dad
And flips through an old magazine
Till the nurse with the smile stands at the door
And says will you please come with me

Sara Beth is scared to death
Cause the doctor just told her the news
Between the red cells and white, something's not right
But we're gonna take care of you

Six chances in ten, it won't come back again
With the therapy we're gonna try
It's just been approved, it's the strongest there is
And I think that we caught it in time
And Sara Beth closes her eyes.

She dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair

Sara Beth is scared to death
As she sits holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake for someone to take
A girl with no hair to the prom

For just this morning, right there on her pillow
Was the cruelest of any surprise
And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny
And Sara Beth closes her eyes

And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair

It's quarter to seven, that boy's at the door
And her daddy ushers him in
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry
Cause this morning where his hair had all been
Softly she touches just skin

And they go dancing, around and around
Without any cares
And her very first true love is holding her close
And for a moment she isn't scared

Here Comes Goodbye講的是失去的故事,MV拍得也很正面

最後一首是What Hurts the Most,歌很好聽但MV就拍得比較煽情,尤其最後一句I saw you,讓我想Avatar。

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我必須承認在我很小很小的時候就在唱片行認識Carole King這一號人物,但並沒有真正聽她唱歌。不過認識一首歌就是這麼奇妙,昨天意外的聽到早在1971年就灌錄的單曲You've got A Friend演唱會版本,深深為之著迷...


Carole King今年已經68歲了,2010還是繼續跟好朋友James Taylor辦世界巡迴演唱會。五零年代出道的她都是幫人作嫁,她寫的歌都是別人唱紅的,一直到71年自己收錄自己作品的《Tapestry》才算是大大的成功。

這首You've got A Friend聽過一次大概就很難忘記它的旋律,寫得很簡單,鋼琴也很純淨,在2010音樂元素越來越豐富,表演越來越花俏誇張的年代,Carole King彈著鋼琴引導聽眾的情緒,我猜想當下觀眾腦海都是身邊好朋友的畫面,Carol King的演唱變成的自己電影的配樂,我猜想這就是現場演唱最厲害的功力吧!

Carole King - You've Got A Friend

另一場演出很經典,我依稀記得我有看過,以前有在電視上錄Shanin Twain參與演出的VH1演唱會好像有這一首。Carole King鋼琴伴奏,其他天后包括Celine Dion、Gloria Estefan還有Shanin Twain一起唱這首經典歌曲。

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Need You Now

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone
Cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I lost all control
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now

Another shot of whiskey
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I lost all control
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now

Woah, oh

Guess I'd rather hurt
than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone and I need you now

And I said I wouldn't call
But I'm a little drunk
And I need you now

And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now

Oh, baby, I need you now

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來自北卡的Kellie Pickler是American Idol第五季的參賽者,最後只拿到第六名,但她卻是那一屆最早


「I wonder」來表達自己不一樣的童年。







Sometimes I think about you.
Wonder if you're out there somewhere thinkin' about me.
And would you even recognize,
The woman that your little girl has grown up to be.
Cuz I look in the mirror and all I see,
Are your brown eyes looking back at me.
They're the only thing you ever gave to me at all.

Oh I hear the weather's nice in California. There's sunny skies as far as I can see.
If you ever come back home to Carolina.
I wonder what you'd say to me.

I think about how it ain't fair.
That you weren't there to braid my hair like mothers do.
You weren't around to cheer me on.
Help me dress for my high school prom like mothers do.
Did you think I didn't need you here.
To hold my hand, to dry my tears.
Did you even miss me through the years at all?

Oh I hear the weather's nice in California. There's sunny skies as far as I can see.
If you ever come back home to Carolina.
I wonder what you'd say to me.

Such a simple word.
But its so hard to do.
When you've been hurt.

Oh I hear the weather's nice in California.
And just in case you're wondering about me.
From now on I won't be in Carolina
Your little girl is off...
Your little girl is off...
Your little girl is off to Tennessee

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  最近很愛很愛她,仔細反覆聆聽三張專輯,像十幾年前一直聽Trisha Yearwood的歌一樣






  第一次聽到她的聲音是她去年在AI(本身是第四屆的冠軍)現場演唱I told you so,馬上





新一張專輯《Play On》中的「Temporary Home」就娓娓敘述著一些遭到棄養的兒童,年輕的








Carrie  Underwood在CNN Heroes特別節目唱演唱Change


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Boyzone用這首歌才紀念過世的Stephen Gately,一開始就可以聽到Stephen那獨特的聲音...so miss you

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           Which one is better? Olly Murs or Joe McElderry

Joe McElderry: The Climb

Olly Murs: The Climb

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Offical MV

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週六晚上在吃完古巴料理之後進了Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel(傷心酒店)聽他們的愛情。

  拍完電影之後他們兩個決定打破相差十八歲年齡的障礙在一起,也合組樂團The Swell 










心都以Glen為主,Marketa只唱了兩首歌,在少了電影的畫面下,她演唱的《If You Want 







  安可曲唱那首電影主題曲《Falling Slowly》,好像又回到了電影一開始他們在鋼琴店找



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