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2007 亞錦賽陳信安拉竿上籃...超猛的滯空能力

soriano 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


巴黎市花多少納稅人的錢呢?因為市政府與廣告公司JC Decaux達成協議,由該公司買單,換取全市1600個廣告看板的獨佔權。雖然有人抨擊廣告被單一企業壟斷,但其籌措經費的思維仍是值得肯定的。


soriano 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


來越遠?web 2.0是不可擋的趨勢,未來資訊的傳遞只會越來越快,我們必須加強短時間內判


  聯合報一篇摘錄Andrew Keen新書《The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing

 Our Culture》的報導,揭露網際網路正在蠶食文化的殘酷事實。

Web 2.0狂熱 鯨吞蠶食文化

Web 2.0打造網際網路新操作模式,強調使用者可以自產自製內容,四面八方的資訊、觀點和意見自由上傳下載,而且完全免費。眾聲喧嘩的榮景中,矽谷企業家安德魯‧基恩(Andrew Keen)冷眼看待,新書《門外漢的偽宗教》(The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture)揭露網際網路正鯨吞蠶食文化生機的殘酷現實。


基恩1996年創建Audiocafe.com,是電子音樂網站先驅,錢沒賺到就關門大吉。許多投資者因此視網路如瘟疫,但基恩像打不死的蟑螂,2000年另起爐灶,四年後又以失敗收場。2004那年,正是「網路的閃耀新版本」Web 2.0成為當紅話題。


基恩2006年在《標準周刊》(The Weekly Standard)發表專文,引爆爭議,因而動念寫成新書。他對數位菁英壓倒文化守門員,「群眾智慧」凌駕專業觀點深表痛心,「專業評論家、記者、編輯、音樂人、電影工作者和其他領域專家,這些文化守門員一一被取代」,結果是:真相/意見、專業觀點/業餘看法的界線模糊難辨。




網路上難見「客觀」,部落格版主依個人喜好,精心挑選資訊演繹推論,再包裝為事實;更多Web 2.0用戶利用網路「確認自己的偏見,超連結到其他同聲一氣的人」。在網路想認真辯論重要政治、社會論題是癡人說夢:政治候選人的負面消息難保不是對手的傑作,誇大的文宣被當成事實像傳染病隨網路流竄。「Web 2.0革命真正帶來的是對我們周遭世界浮面的看法,而非深入分析;是井蛙之見而非深思熟慮的判斷。」


由於Web 2.0仰賴「高貴的門外漢」而非專家,許多搜尋引擎和網站只衝點閱率不管可信度,加上虛擬世界多屬匿名,無從確認身分與目的,錯誤資訊和謠言輕易在網路散播。維基百科點閱率高於大英百科,特殊的互動設計讓錯誤、未經查證,甚至明目張膽騙人的資訊橫行無阻。今年二月就爆出編輯維基上萬則資料,且未得授權可仲裁內容爭議的Essjay,根本只是讀社區大學的二十四歲學生,不是資料所載的神學教授。


「歷史證明群眾通常是愚昧的」,否則不會接受「奴隸制、殺嬰、小布希的伊拉克戰爭」等決定,也不會出現1990年代高科技泡沫和十七世紀橫掃荷蘭的「鬱金香熱」,「無知加自大加不良品味再加暴民統治」,後果難以想像。基恩指出,Web 2.0用戶最愛的資訊重組、剪貼工程可能侵犯著作權,盜版音樂及單曲下載直接衝擊唱片銷售和音樂產業。




【2007/07/29 聯合報】












  BLOG、Web 2.0(維基百科)絕對有他的價值,他傳遞的資訊也絕對是知識,雖然有很多人





soriano 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

這是我第一次那麼認真看Washington Post ,主要是因為FCC又要拍賣,且槓上GOOGLE


FCC to Rule on Wireless Auction
Lobbying Intense As Google Seeks To Open Market

By Kim Hart
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 30, 2007; A01


The Federal Communications Commission will set the rules tomorrow governing the auction of $15 billion of public airwaves, a decision with stakes so high that the major U.S. cellular carriers and Google have spent millions of dollars on a lobbying campaign in an attempt to influence the outcome. The decision could dramatically alter the nation's cellphone industry.

Google, the giant Internet search company, wants to extend its popular tools, which include e-mail and video, to the rapidly expanding mobile phone market. To do so, it may spend billions to build a new, open network it says will loosen the grip telecom operators have over how consumers use their cellphones.

Currently, the major U.S. wireless carriers, including AT&T and Verizon Wireless, largely decide which Web sites, music-download services and search engines their customers can access on their cellphones. This is accomplished by wireless companies determining which cellphones will receive their services: AT&T, for example, is the only carrier available to users of Apple's iPhone.

Google wants to end that restriction and has urged the FCC to require the winner of the auction to build a network that will be open to all cellphones and services, so any consumer can have access to Google's array of offerings.

AT&T and Verizon Wireless have been eyeing these airwaves for almost a decade, waiting for them to be abandoned by television broadcasters moving to digital programming. The airwaves, which are ideal for carrying wireless signals, are particularly valuable because they will be the last up for auction for decades. The auction is to take place in January.

They are crucial to wireless carriers looking for more ways to put ever-more-elaborate video, music and Web-surfing tools in consumers' hands, especially as cellphones continue to replace telephone landlines and offer services heretofore available only on a computer. But the auction is also testing the political might of Google, which has to this point been somewhat of an outsider in Washington.

Google, in its first serious foray into the Washington regulatory scene and, potentially, the wireless industry, has offered to spend at least $4.6 billion for the airwaves it would use to build the network it envisions if the FCC's rules work in its favor. The move reflects Google's growing ambitions to reach consumers in new ways while exerting its influence on policy it sees as critical to its future. But the company's efforts to recast the wireless landscape have met fierce opposition from AT&T and Verizon, which worry Google's open network would undermine their businesses.

Google's 12-person Washington team, based in temporary quarters on Pennsylvania Avenue, has aggressively confronted the legions of lobbyists behind the two telecom behemoths. Its goal of creating an open-access network, first thought of as a long-shot proposal, has gained substantial political traction among FCC commissioners and Democratic lawmakers, who see the auction as the last opportunity to create a new competitor in the wireless industry.

"Google sees network owners as potentially coming between it and its customers, so they realized how critical Washington was to their long-term game plan," said Paul Gallant, a telecom policy analyst with Stanford Group Co. "Google is still nowhere near the Bells and cable [television] when it comes to lobbying, but it does have a real cachet that can make up some of the gap."

Google has not always been taken seriously in Washington. When co-founder Sergey Brin visited Capitol Hill two years ago, he had trouble persuading members of Congress to meet with him. The company didn't bother to open an office in the District until 2005, when it hired Alan B. Davidson, formerly of the Center for Democracy and Technology, to tackle Internet policy issues. A year later, Google hired Robert Boorstin, who held several positions in the Clinton administration.

When the debate over the ability of Internet service providers to favor certain Web content for a fee, a concept known as network neutrality, heated up last summer, Google was late to the scene. It initially depended on public interest groups to lobby on its behalf.

Since then, Google has expanded its Washington presence. Besides increasing its effort to sell its services to government agencies, Google has taken what it calls a "Googley" approach to politics by seeking the business of political campaign managers and starting a public policy blog. Last week, the online video site YouTube, which is owned by Google, sponsored a debate between the Democratic presidential candidates.

The company recently hired Johanna Shelton, formerly on the staff of Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), an influential member of the House telecommunications subcommittee. Google also frequently invites prominent politicians to tour its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters. But its 2006 congressional lobbying budget of about $770,000, according to public disclosures, is dwarfed by the $21 million spent by AT&T and $14.4 million spent by Verizon the same year.

Unlike many campaigns that use well-connected lobbyists to persuade members of Congress, Google and its opponents have fought this battle on paper, using their lawyers to make their arguments in filings to the FCC.

Google's clout in the airwaves auction has grown slowly, marked by small victories along the way. In February, it hired Richard S. Whitt, once a lawyer for the now-defunct telephone company MCI, to lead its telecom policy agenda. And Google also harnessed the power of politically savvy public interest groups, consumer advocates and like-minded companies such as eBay and Yahoo to push its idea for an open network.

In late April, FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin endorsed the general idea. A week later, during a tour of the Googleplex in Silicon Valley, he asked Brin and the other Google co-founder, Larry Page, and chief executive Eric Schmidt to suggest rules for the auction that would increase the chances that a new wireless competitor would emerge.

"I think that was a little victory for us that showed the chairman was willing to meet us in the middle," said Whitt, who has led Google's lobbying operation.

Over the next two months, Google outlined its requirements for the auction with the FCC. Its "alternate access team," run by three wireless engineers, Chris Sacca, Larry Alder and Minnie Ingersoll, swooped into Washington for a series of visits with FCC commissioners. Google has also hired game theorists to strategize for the auction.

In the meetings with the commissioners, Google's team urged them to require the highest bidder in the auction to build a network that would be open not only to devices but also to software and third-party companies. Those conditions would make the airwaves more accessible and, hence, more valuable to Google, but would conceivably damage the business of the wireless companies by no longer allowing them to differentiate their offerings from one another.

Like the culture at many Silicon Valley technology companies, Google's clashed with Washington's. Some FCC staff members said the company's tech gurus came across as arrogant in meetings with commissioners.

"They're used to getting what they want rather than having to make a case for what they want," said one staff member who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Martin subsequently said he favored requiring the auction winner to use a chunk of the airwaves to build a network open to all mobile devices but stopping short of meeting Google's other demands.

AT&T and Verizon initially blanched at Martin's proposal, arguing it would tip the competitive scales in Google's favor. But in a series of hearings on Capitol Hill, several lawmakers voiced support for using these airwaves to give consumers more choices. Many cited complaints about the fact that Apple's iPhone, recently introduced to great fanfare, can be used only on AT&T's network.

Others said they were concerned that regulating the airwaves would diminish the estimated $15 billion in revenue raised by the auction. AT&T questioned Google's intentions, telling the company to "put up or shut up" in filings with the FCC. To "put our money where our principals are," Whitt said, Google then committed to spending at least $4.6 billion to bid on the airwaves if its conditions were met. AT&T responded by shifting its position to support Martin's open-access proposal.

Martin's plan for an open-access network "would enable the introduction of an alternate wireless business model without requiring changes in the business models of AT&T and others in what is a highly competitive wireless industry," said Jim Cicconi, AT&T's senior vice president of external and legislative affairs, in a recent filing with the FCC.

"It was very surprising that they backed down. . . . Google was getting traction, and I think the major players wanted to be on the winning side of this battle," said Doug Bonner, who heads the communications practice at the law firm Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal. "Google's definitely putting their currency to work."

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  這兩位名人堂選手,有一個共同點-生涯都待在同一支球隊,皆於2001年退役。A-Rod的偶像-Ripken在金鶯隊效力21年,初期都是擔任游擊手,1997轉任三壘手,1983跟1991年美聯MVP,最著名的成就是連續出場2,632場比賽,打破Lou Gehrig的鐵人紀錄。

"Whether you like it or not, as big leaguers, we are role models," Ripken said, then pausing as a loud ovation arose on the hilly fields. "The only question is, will it be positive or will it be negative? Should we put players up on a pedestal and make them take responsibility? No. But we should encourage them to use their influence positively, to help build up and develop the young people who follow the game.


  另一位教士先生、打擊教科書Tony Gwynn,八屆的國聯打擊王!生涯打擊率高達.388,3141支安打,也拿過五屆金手套獎。

"My father said, 'If you work hard, good things will happen,'" Gwynn said.
"Boy, oh boy, he was absolutely right. I worked hard in this game, because I had to. I wasn't talented enough to get by just on ability. I really had to work at it. I had to do the video stuff, go about my business and do things the way I did. We make a big deal about work ethic ... about trying to make good decisions and doing things right, and you know what, that's what we're supposed to do.


  能入選名人堂的選手,除了締造的紀錄之外,最重要的是他們的品德,能否成為Role Model!下面這一段影片是2001年,Ripken以3B的身份入選明星賽,總教練Torre在賽前練習時要A-Rod跟Ripken換位置,讓他回到熟悉的SS,兩個打數一支安打,是一支全壘打,並當選當年All Star Game的MVP!


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「Shared Mental Model」,講簡單一點就是文化價值判斷。


IKEA白天賣家具 晚上變免費旅館
記者:張喬青      外電     報導




這一家人,擠在同一張床上,享受溫馨的家庭時光,這一位女性,一個人來,點盞燈,躺在床上看雜誌,這一家四口,在床上擺張小桌子,吃起宵夜。消費者凡嘉 :「今天晚上我們要玩的盡興。」


有的人為了好玩過來住住看,但是大部分的人,都有實際目的。消費者希聚 :「她想要一張沙發床,她可以試躺一整個晚上。」









soriano 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

  1988年世界大賽第一場(October 15),道奇在九局下半還以3比4落後,運動家派上王牌終結者

Dennis Eckersley,他一上場就先解決了兩名打者,在保送了代打Davies之後,道奇再換上代打-

Kirk Gibson,這位當年度的國聯MVP因為腳傷無法先發,連要走上打擊區都顯得非常困難,因此他選




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回房間休息一下,一夥人就去泡湯嘍,他的溫泉屬於無色無味頂級的碳酸氫鈉鹽泉 ,俗稱美人湯,可惜二樓的溫泉區十點就關了,所以我們沒有辦法享受到各式各樣的小湯屋只能在一樓SPA、他們幾個人去挑戰冷泉,坦白說,我還沒專業到分辨哪一種溫泉比較好,反正就是裝享受阿,平常也沒多累,所以也不知道有沒有疏壓的效果,反正晚上我們要有體力大吵大鬧!







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I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years
when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
One here forever
I know we were
Yeah yeah

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

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